Yuchai YCK08 Guoliu Engine successfully completed the 1460 hour emission durability test and emission certification at Tianjin (China) Automotive Technology Research Center, becoming the first national six-heavy duty diesel engine to complete all type inspection proj…
In life, we use QR code to pay, buy goods, participate in activities, view more information, etc. This new technology of QR code brings a lot of convenience to our lives. In terms of seed quality safety protection, with the application of the seed two-dimensional code tra…
According to experts, a button battery can pollute 600,000 liters of water; a No. 1 battery rots in the ground, which can make a square meter of land useless. Experts pointed out that if used batteries are mixed with household waste, after the batteries rot, the dissolution of heavy metals …
In recent years, the pace of rapid development of the domestic packaging machine industry can be described with step-like speed. With the rapid economic growth, the domestic market has also undergone tremendous changes. The pac…

1. Determination of Soil Hygroscopicity Soil hygroscopicity refers to the adsorption of moisture in the air on the surface of soil particles under the action of molecular gravity, which is different from the concept of soil moisture content. Soil moisture refers to all the water …
It is understood that C…