Technical requirements for mining of limestone and dolomite open pit mines

( 1) The lowest recoverable elevation: generally not lower than the lowest ground level elevation near the mining area. If it is lower than the lowest ground level, it must be determined through technical and economic argumentation.
      ( 2 ) Stripping ratio: the ratio of the total stripping of the overburden, vein rock, interlayer, and surrounding rock to the total amount of ore, generally not more than 0.5 : 1 ( M 3 / M 3 ) .

(3) Mining Thickness: limestone, dolomite: large, medium-sized ore generally 8m, small mineral 4m.

(4) The thickness of the stone is removed: the rocky ore is generally 2m, and the soft ore is generally 1m.

(5) Final slope angle of the stope: the rocky ore is generally 50 ° ~ 60 ° , and the soft ore is generally 45 ° .

(6) Minimum width of the final chassis of the stope:

Rocky ore: large and medium-sized is generally not less than 60m, and small ore is generally not less than 40m ;

Soft like mine: a medium-sized generally not less than 40m, small-scale mining is generally not less than 20m.

(7) blasting safety distance: The mining boundary deposits of blasting safety distance highways, railways, power lines, residential and other major buildings generally not less than 3 00 m, such as blasting safety distance of less than 3 00 m, and investors should Agreed.

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