The tandem cold-rolling process is a hot-rolled strip after pickling, continuous rolling at a normal temperature through a multi-stand rolling mill to obtain various specifications, cold-rolled strips with required thickness, plate shape and surface quality, and It is rolled into steel coils, weighed and tied. The cold rolling process features energy saving, high production efficiency, high product yield, and good product quality.
The tandem cold rolling mill consists of five parts: the entrance equipment of the rolling mill, the main rolling mill, the equipment between the stands, the exit equipment of the rolling mill and the strip check station. In today's world, cold rolling mills are aiming at high speed and continuous development with the goal of reducing consumption, increasing efficiency, and improving product quality and production. The development of rolling mills with various new structures (such as PC, VC, CVC, etc.) that can improve the control of plate types has always been the direction of the efforts of metallurgical equipment manufacturers in various developed countries.
At present, there are few tandem cold rolling mills with advanced technology and equipment configuration in China, and there are less than 20 sets of tandem cold rolling mills. Among them, there are 4 sets of Baosteel, 2 sets of Wuhan Steel, 4 sets of Anshan Steel, and 1 set of Ma Steel and Handan Steel. In addition, Panzhihua Iron and Steel, Yichang Cold Rolling Plant, Benxi Iron and Steel and several other steel companies put into operation several sets of second-hand tandem cold rolling mills with a level of 1400mm or less. The domestic tandem cold rolling mills have one or two heavy production companies. Through a study of the key technologies of Angang's 1780mm, 1500mm, and 2130mm tandem cold rolling mill projects, the company completed the design and manufacturing tasks for large tandem cold rolling mills and built a domestic tandem cold rolling mill brand, laying the foundation for the development of cold rolling mill technology in China. Solid foundation.
Foreign well-known tandem cold rolling mill manufacturing companies mainly include SMS company in Germany and MHI-HITACHI company in Japan. They have developed a variety of rolling mill models to improve strip quality. For example, the four-high and six-high CVC rolling mills developed by SMS, the HC mills, UC mills and UPC mills developed by MHI-HITACHI, and the PC mills developed by NSC in Japan have been widely used in steel companies in the world. Represents the world's advanced level of cold rolling technology.
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