How does the vibrating screen achieve energy conversion during the impact process?

The energy conversion during the impact of the vibrating screen machine converts the electric energy provided by the motor into the kinetic energy of the screening process, thereby completing the entire screening process. The external force acts on the particles, and the work done by the external force is converted into the elastic strain energy in the particles. When the stress of the external force on the particles reaches the Strength of the particles, the particles are broken, and the energy required for the screening is derived from the elastic strain energy stored in the particles.

After sieving the particles, the elastic strain energy remaining in the particles is gradually consumed in the inelastic deformation such as kinetic energy, acoustic energy and electromagnetic radiation. That is to say, the energy consumption of the single particle sieving is equal to the energy stored before the pulverization of the granules, regardless of the sieving. The primary crack, particle size and strength of the particles being milled affect the utilization of the screening energy consumption of the mill.

From the energy point of view, the energy conversion in the impact process is analyzed, and the formula for quantitatively calculating the screening energy is derived. The rock that was originally suspended at a high place has potential energy E = from sand. Overcome the resistance during the fall of the rock to do the work. The rock does not produce obvious damage energy during the impact of the base. The energy of the conversion mainly includes the vibration energy of the base rock. The thermal energy generated during the impact process can release the elastic strain energy of the vibrating screen, the surface energy of the crack, the plastic potential energy and the radiation. can.

The energy consumption required for the screening of the actual vibrating screening machine consists of two parts, one is the energy required to compact the internal crack, and the other is the energy consumption of the screening after the crack is compacted and begins to expand and multiply. That is to say, from the impact collision test, rock can be seen as a non-uniform discontinuous medium, which contains a large number of discontinuous, irregularly shaped cracks and joints. During the impact process, the rock experienced five stages: compaction stage, elastic deformation stage, stable rupture development stage, unstable rupture development stage and strain softening stage.

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