Biologists at Macquarie University in Australia said that like other animals, fish have feelings and wisdom and should be treated better. He found that fish had good memory and lived in the community, learning together. The behavior of fish is somewhat similar to that of primates. They can even construct complex structures and use tools.
Although the brains of fish differ from other vertebrates, they contain structures that perform similar functions. There is also increasing evidence that fish can feel pain like humans. Although scientists cannot provide a clear idea of ​​the level of consciousness that divides any non-human vertebrate. In addition to the fact that humans seldom think of fish as food or pets, the fact that fish are used in scientific experiments is second only to mice. There are currently more than 32,000 known species, and the diversity of fish far outweighs all other vertebrates.
Tower Crane Steel Structure, regarded as the main parts of tower crane, refers to the tower crane jib, tower crane counter jib, tower head, tower crane Telescoping Cage, tower crane turning table,tower crane pull rod, tower crane Mast Section, tower crane Fixing Angle, ect. Steel Structure is made of steel, which fits the name.
Tower crane jib is a metal lattice structure of a normally triangular section, whose main mission is to provide the crane with the necessary radius or range. It is also called a jib. Like the mast, it usually has a modular structure to facilitate its transport.
The Anchorage Frame secures the tower crane mast to a structure or framework and provides stability when the tower crane is under load or experiencing wind forces.
The hook is the main load-bearing component that hauls loads. It is attached to a trolley that allows the hook to raise and lower, as well as move towards and away from the mast.
Telescoping Cage Jacking Cage,Crane Telescoping Cage,Tower Crane Jacking Cage,Climbing Cage,Tower Crane Yoke