Speed ​​up the application of film products

“At the end of 2009, China's film industry basically stepped out of the shadow of the financial crisis and the new year will usher in great development. The application of membrane products in municipal wastewater treatment and drinking water purification is expected to be a breakthr

Magnetic flap level gauge shows low cause

The magnetic flap level gauge is a real-time indicator type liquid level gauge. Because of its large range, it can be made into a length of 1 meter

Seed germination box inspection ensures seed quality

Most of the crops are seeded and grown, but if the seeds themselves are poorly germinated, then there will be slow sprouting, slow growth, or even germination after sowing. Therefore, in order to ensure the germination effect of the seed after sowing, it is one of the most import

These five key technologies determine the quality of LED displays.

The LED display is composed of a series of LEDs, so the quality of the LED directly affects the overall quality of the display.
Brightness and viewing angle
The brightness of the display depends mainly on the luminous intensity of the LED and the d